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- סקר למחקר – survey for research
Thank you for your interest in our research.
Attached is a brief explanation of the study and the reasons that led to it and at the end a link to the survey page.
So, I am the eldest son of Daniel and Anat (the founders of the farm) and as part of my quest to enrich my knowledge about food and everything surrounding it, I found a degree in Italy called Gastronomic Sciences (food, not the digestive system). The degree deals with everything that comes together at the moment when humans sit down to eat – agriculture, production processes, chemistry, biology (all this from the side of the "plate") as well as anthropology, sociology, economics, marketing, philosophy, law (from the human side). In short, a degree that is a salad of everything related to food.
I am carrying out my research inspired by a course called food (systems) design, a course that focused on circular economy – that is, how to improve the performance of a business in a way that increases its resilience and usually also creates an "ecological" net around it with the help of the local community. The field touches others such as sustainability, sustainable agriculture and deals a lot with assimilating by-products back into the production chain to leverage them into a final product that can be consumed.
The survey is designed to check your knowledge and views on the subject, as well as your background.
Thank you very much for participating, for any questions you are welcome to ask the staff on site, unfortunately I am still abroad as part of my studies but you are welcome to contact me through the staff if necessary.
Enjoy your coffee!